4 Induced Current Density Programs

4.8 v3d - Visualization of 3D graphic files

Files with extension 3d or v3d, generated by the SYSMOIC programs, are meta-graphic files, which can be visualized using the v3d program by typing

prompt> v3d graphic-metafile.3d [-npix window-size]

Aside the terminal, a new window appears displaying the graphic. Mouse can be used as usual, plus a number of other keyboard commands, whose meaning is described on the terminal once pressing the <h> key. Most useful are: <p> to write a PostScript file with the visualization present on the graphic window; <e><p> to write En-capsuled-PS file; <S> to write the SpecialValue.txt file with the current status of the point-of-view, scale factor, contour spacing, fog and so on.